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Funny Smells coming from central air conditioning units

The smell coming from your air conditioning system can sometimes catch you off guard. From musty odors to strange chemical scents, these smells can be indicators of underlying issues within your HVAC system. In this blog post, brought to you by GlobalETM HVAC Contractor Network, we will explore why your AC may emit funny smells and what those smells might signify. Understanding these odors can help you identify potential problems and seek timely assistance from HVAC professionals.

Musty or Mildew Odors

If your AC smells musty or like mildew, it could indicate the presence of mold or mildew growth within the system. Moisture buildup in the air conditioning unit or ductwork provides an ideal environment for mold and mildew to thrive. These smells are not only unpleasant but can also lead to respiratory issues. It’s important to address mold or mildew growth promptly by contacting an HVAC professional to clean and disinfect the system.

Burning or Electrical Smells

A burning or electrical smell coming from your AC could indicate overheating components or electrical problems. It could be a result of a faulty motor, wiring issues, or a damaged fan belt. It’s crucial to turn off the AC immediately and contact a professional to inspect the system. Ignoring burning smells can lead to potential fire hazards or further damage to the AC unit.

Rotten Egg or Sulfuric Odors

If you detect a rotten egg or sulfuric smell, it may indicate a gas leak within your HVAC system. This smell is often associated with a natural gas leak, which can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. If you suspect a gas leak, leave your property immediately and contact your local gas company or emergency services. Do not turn on or off any electrical switches or appliances that could create a spark.

Chemical or Pungent Odors

Chemical or pungent smells coming from your AC could suggest the presence of refrigerant leaks. Refrigerants, such as Freon, have distinct smells that resemble chemicals. If you notice such odors, it’s important to address the issue promptly as refrigerant leaks can not only impact the performance of your AC but also pose health risks. Contact an HVAC professional to diagnose and repair the refrigerant leak.

Dirty or Stale Air Smells

If your AC emits a dirty or stale air smell, it may be due to clogged or dirty air filters. Over time, air filters accumulate dust, debris, and contaminants, resulting in poor indoor air quality and unpleasant odors. Regularly replacing or cleaning air filters is crucial to maintain clean and fresh air circulation in your space. In addition to improving air quality, clean filters also enhance the efficiency of your HVAC system.

The Importance of Professional Assistance

When it comes to unusual smells from your AC, it’s essential to seek professional assistance from HVAC contractors. They have the expertise and equipment to identify the source of the odor and address any underlying issues. Regular maintenance and inspections by professionals can help prevent odors and ensure that your HVAC system operates efficiently and safely.

Unpleasant smells emanating from your air conditioning system should not be ignored. Understanding the potential causes of these smells can help you take the necessary steps to address them promptly. Whether it’s mold growth, electrical problems, gas leaks, refrigerant leaks, or dirty air filters, seeking assistance from HVAC professionals is crucial to ensure the safety, performance, and longevity of your AC system. The GlobalETM HVAC Contractor Network is here to connect you with qualified professionals who can help diagnose and resolve any odor-related issues in your HVAC system.

Whats a British Thermal Unit – BTU Mean For Your Furnace/AC Systems?

When it comes to choosing the right furnace or air conditioning system for your home or business, understanding the concept of BTU is crucial. BTU, or British Thermal Unit, is a unit of measurement that plays a significant role in determining the heating or cooling capacity of HVAC systems. In this blog post, brought to you by GlobalETM HVAC Contractor Network, we’ll explore what BTU means for your furnace or AC and how it influences your comfort and energy efficiency.

What is BTU?

BTU is a measurement unit used to quantify the amount of thermal energy required to heat or cool a space. It represents the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. In the context of HVAC systems, BTU refers to the heating or cooling capacity of the equipment.

Heating BTU

When it comes to furnaces, the heating BTU rating determines how much heat the system can produce. It indicates the capacity of the furnace to raise the temperature of the air circulated through the system. The higher the BTU rating, the greater the heating capacity of the furnace. Choosing the right BTU rating for your furnace ensures that it can efficiently heat your space during colder months.

Cooling BTU

For air conditioning systems, the cooling BTU rating signifies the amount of heat the unit can remove from the air in a given time. It indicates the cooling capacity of the AC system. The cooling BTU rating is essential in selecting an air conditioner that can effectively cool your space during hot weather. A higher BTU rating indicates a more powerful cooling capacity.

Factors Affecting BTU Requirements: Several factors influence the BTU requirements for your furnace or AC system:


The climate in your region affects the heating or cooling load on your HVAC system. Colder climates may require higher BTU ratings for efficient heating, while hotter climates may require higher cooling BTU ratings.


The level of insulation in your building affects heat gain or loss. Well-insulated spaces may require lower BTU ratings as they retain heat or cool air more effectively.

Square Footage

The size of your space plays a crucial role in determining the appropriate BTU rating. Larger spaces generally require higher BTU ratings to ensure even heating or cooling throughout.

Importance of Proper BTU Sizing: Selecting the right BTU rating is crucial for optimal performance and energy efficiency. An undersized unit may struggle to heat or cool your space adequately, resulting in discomfort and increased energy consumption as it runs constantly to compensate. On the other hand, an oversized unit may cycle on and off frequently, leading to inefficient operation, higher energy bills, and potential wear and tear on the equipment. Consulting with an HVAC professional can help determine the appropriate BTU rating for your specific needs.

Beyond BTU: While BTU is an essential factor in determining the heating or cooling capacity of your HVAC system, it’s not the sole consideration. Other factors such as energy efficiency, SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating for air conditioners, AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating for furnaces, and proper installation also contribute to overall system performance and cost-effectiveness. Working with an HVAC contractor from GlobalETM ensures that all these factors are taken into account when selecting and installing your HVAC system.

Understanding the concept of BTU is vital when choosing a furnace or air conditioning system for your space. It helps you determine the appropriate heating or cooling capacity needed to maintain comfort and energy efficiency. By considering factors such as climate, insulation, and square footage, along with the guidance of an HVAC professional, you can select an HVAC system with the right

Signs You Need a Plumber For A New Water Heater

The water heater is one of the home appliances that provide comfort to everyone in the household especially during the winter season, and chilly mornings. Keeping it well-maintained will help prolong the life of the water heater, and it will help keep issues from occurring. 

There however comes a time when a water heater reaches its end of life. And while this is unavoidable, it is best to know when to exactly upgrade the water heater to avoid inconveniences, and unnecessary expenses brought about by higher utility bills. 

When to call a plumbing company for a water heater

Water heaters, regardless of their type, clue in their owners for the need to upgrade. Several signs point to a need for replacement, and it is the responsibility of the property owner to watch out for these signs. Tankless water heaters have a longer operational life, which is double the 10 to 12-year life expectancy for tanked or conventional water heating systems.

Also, homeowners must understand that water heater replacement and installation must be carried out by a water heater contractor plumbing professional. Water heater pullout for instance requires specific tools, equipment, and knowledge, and so does the installation for a new unit. 

Shifting to another new system will also require professional help, and possibly some retrofitting. For instance, DécorBuzz plumbing tips says that shifting from a tankless water heater to a conventional water heater would mean retrofitting pipes and plumbing system. The same goes when shifting to a tankless system, which would mean installation into a new system, and pull out of the old unit. The new system is also much more expensive to install compared to a conventional tanked water heater.   


Hot tubs are more relaxing when there is an efficient water heating system. (Photo Credits)

Signs that it needs to be replaced

Below are some of the signs property owners should watch out for when it comes to deciding when to replace a water heating system.

  1. Age of the water heater system. Conventional tanked systems can last from around 12-15 years, tankless systems last double than that. When the heaters are near the end of their life expectancy and starts to fail then it is best to replace it even before encountering serious issues.
  2. Continuous failures also  signify that the water heater is also in its end stage or the ill maintenance is already taking its toll on the system.
  3. Leaking in the tank. If the tank keeps on leaking, then it is highly possible that the tank is beyond repair and needs to be replaced.

Apart from the above-mentioned signs, capacity issues should also prompt homeowners to replace their water heating systems. For instance if it seems that hot water runs out most days, then maybe, there is no longer enough heated water for the rest of the household. This usually occurs in homes that have gotten new or additional family members, or visiting relatives, or when a household grows like when children already grew up into adults and demand more heated water compared when they were kids.

Homeowners should enlist the services of a reliable plumbing contractor who can pull out their old water heater unit, and install a new one safely and correctly. We recommend you find on yelp a reliable plumbing company that you can call. Moving forward, homeowners should also take time to keep their water heater well-maintained.

Plumber Tips to Avoid Clogged Drains / How to Avoid AC Repair Scams

Clogged drains are the bane of the existence of any homemaker. Fortunately, with careful use of plumbing systems, most of the causes are avoidable. Plumbers have numerous helpful tips that could prevent clogged and problematic drains. All homeowners need o do is heed these pieces of advice so that they will not get inconvenienced by clogged drains. 

Foremost in the list of ways to avoid clogged drains is to refrain from using drains as a garbage repository. One of the biggest mistakes a household can make is using the kitchen sink as a dumpsite for leftover food bits, scraps, and fruit and vegetable peelings. These food items can easily ball up and clog a portion of the drain pipes, causing leaks and even breakage within pipelines. 

Do not pour kitchen grease on the drains

Pouring used kitchen oil and animal fat is detrimental to the drainage system. Dispose of used kitchen grease properly and following the community standards. kitchen grease can solidify into a huge lump of lard that could prevent the smooth flow of wastewater from the drainpipes. When this happens drain clogs can occur, and consequently it can cause back-ups and sewage issues. 

How to avoid Plumbing and AC Repair scams

AC repair scams are not uncommon even in the digital age. More unscrupulous individuals use the internet and social media to victimize unsuspecting homeowners who need AC repair services. 

The best way to avoid AC Repair scams is to carry out a bit of research work before hiring an AC repair company. You can check on for reliable contractors. Always put a premium on personal recommendations as these AC repair companies are tried and tested by someone a homeowner trusts. If the homeowner could not get a recommendation, he should turn to reputable websites that generate a list of licensed AC Repair Contractors in their area. These websites include the local Better Business Bureau webpage and local chapters of national AC Contractor organizations. 

Hire only legitimate Plumbing and AC Repair Companies

Homeowners should also have a conscious effort to hire only licensed AC Repair contractors to ensure that they will not fall victim to scams. A customer can ask for the credentials of the HVAC company and verify it accordingly from the Contractors State License Board, The Better Business Bureau, and the insurance provider. 

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