The water heater is one of the home appliances that provide comfort to everyone in the household especially during the winter season, and chilly mornings. Keeping it well-maintained will help prolong the life of the water heater, and it will help keep issues from occurring. 

There however comes a time when a water heater reaches its end of life. And while this is unavoidable, it is best to know when to exactly upgrade the water heater to avoid inconveniences, and unnecessary expenses brought about by higher utility bills. 

When to call a plumbing company for a water heater

Water heaters, regardless of their type, clue in their owners for the need to upgrade. Several signs point to a need for replacement, and it is the responsibility of the property owner to watch out for these signs. Tankless water heaters have a longer operational life, which is double the 10 to 12-year life expectancy for tanked or conventional water heating systems.

Also, homeowners must understand that water heater replacement and installation must be carried out by a water heater contractor plumbing professional. Water heater pullout for instance requires specific tools, equipment, and knowledge, and so does the installation for a new unit. 

Shifting to another new system will also require professional help, and possibly some retrofitting. For instance, DécorBuzz plumbing tips says that shifting from a tankless water heater to a conventional water heater would mean retrofitting pipes and plumbing system. The same goes when shifting to a tankless system, which would mean installation into a new system, and pull out of the old unit. The new system is also much more expensive to install compared to a conventional tanked water heater.   


Hot tubs are more relaxing when there is an efficient water heating system. (Photo Credits)

Signs that it needs to be replaced

Below are some of the signs property owners should watch out for when it comes to deciding when to replace a water heating system.

  1. Age of the water heater system. Conventional tanked systems can last from around 12-15 years, tankless systems last double than that. When the heaters are near the end of their life expectancy and starts to fail then it is best to replace it even before encountering serious issues.
  2. Continuous failures also  signify that the water heater is also in its end stage or the ill maintenance is already taking its toll on the system.
  3. Leaking in the tank. If the tank keeps on leaking, then it is highly possible that the tank is beyond repair and needs to be replaced.

Apart from the above-mentioned signs, capacity issues should also prompt homeowners to replace their water heating systems. For instance if it seems that hot water runs out most days, then maybe, there is no longer enough heated water for the rest of the household. This usually occurs in homes that have gotten new or additional family members, or visiting relatives, or when a household grows like when children already grew up into adults and demand more heated water compared when they were kids.

Homeowners should enlist the services of a reliable plumbing contractor who can pull out their old water heater unit, and install a new one safely and correctly. We recommend you find on yelp a reliable plumbing company that you can call. Moving forward, homeowners should also take time to keep their water heater well-maintained.